作者: 时间:2020/11/17



如果能够一边运动一边学习英语当然是最完美的组合了,练体育,学口语,一举两得,全方位的共同进步!身体在成长,口语更漂亮,这是澳睿跑大家庭的传统,也是每个孩子的礼物。在这个周末,澳睿跑手拉手英语角活动将为孩子们带来一堂别开生面的主题活动:爱英语就Speak Up!



The child's spoken English does not have the opportunity to put intopractice; the parents usually do not have the time to carry on the system'sspoken English practice.hese are typical troubles in life. Senior Englishteachers will lead the children to practice common English sentences, providethe purest English environment for the children, correct their pronunciation,exercise their expression, and travel in the ocean of English and the children toexplore the mystery of the language world.



The child's spoken English does not have the opportunity to put intopractice; the parents usually do not have the time to carry on the system'sspoken English practice.hese are typical troubles in life. Senior Englishteachers will lead the children to practice common English sentences, providethe purest English environment for the children, correct their pronunciation,exercise their expression, and travel in the ocean of English and the children toexplore the mystery of the language world.



在这里,萌宝们将大胆用英语来介绍自己喜爱的运动,并表达对于运动的想法与感悟。同时开发孩子社会性发展能力,使孩子通过活动去结识更多志同道合的小伙伴。当然运动元素也必不可少,音乐律动环节培养孩子对于音乐的感知,锻炼孩子的身体协调能力以及空间感与律动感,从而使孩子实现语言、身体、社交的多维提升!Here, the lovely children will boldly introduce their favorite sportsin English and express their thoughts and feelings about sports. At the sametime, children can develop their social development ability so that they canmeet more like-minded partners. Of course, sports elements are alsoindispensable. Music rhythm links cultivate children's perception of music,exercise children's physical coordination ability, sense of space, and rhythm.Children can achieve multi-dimensional improvement of language, body, andsocial interaction!

